Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ancient Religion vs Modern Religion Essay

There are many differences between an ancient religious viewpoint of the Greeks and Romans and a modern world religion viewpoint. I feel that the most distinguishing difference and the difference that I feel makes the biggest impact is that in a modern world religion society believers say there is one God or that the religions today are monotheistic, whereas in the ancient religions we have studied in class citizens say and believe there are multiple gods or were polytheistic. For example the Greeks believed in twelve gods such as Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis. They all had names other than just God. This difference is obviously very apparent. In the ancient Greek religion there are gods for everything including grain, the moon, and the underworld; of these gods one is more powerful than the others but they have all power. For each element of the world they lived in, there was a god assigned to each. These gods were both male and female, had relationships with each other, and many had equal power. I like the idea that a specific god was worshipped for each separate element and piece of their world, and not just one god was worshipped for everything. I feel it made the society stronger and more balanced. Today in Christianity and other modern religions, it is believed there is one God who rules all. He created everything, hears all things, sees all things, and basically is everywhere. In ancient religion, the gods were both male and female. This showed that both males and females had power and it was believed that both genders were capable of creating, and worth worshipping. Versus Christianity, where the God is simply a male, and there is no woman god. The worship of many gods meant that the citizens of ancient worlds understood that one person or being should not hold all of the power and that power should be equal. It provided a balance to the society. Today in religion all of the power rests on one being. This just seems silly. In ancient religion it was spread among many beings. This difference leads to other differences between ancient religions and modern world religions. One other difference is that today God has to be everywhere and has to be all knowing. In ancient religions the gods lived on Olympus, woods, and other scared places. They were scattered throughout the world to ensure that the world functioned properly. Another difference I feel comes from the difference in being monotheistic and polytheistic is that today God is pure and has a wholesome character that is essentially perfect with good morals. God does not have imperfections like humans do. But in ancient religion the gods had the personalities of humans and were not so perfect. This difference I think attributes that humans don’t know why God behaves the way he does or does the things he does, but when the ancient gods would act like humans, they knew why, they shared the same emotions and personalities. For example Demeter felt the pain of loss when Persephone went to the underworld, this is indeed similar to the sadness a woman gets when she can’t have children or when all of her children have left the nest. One more difference that arises between modern world religions and ancient religions is that today God is abstract and must be all things to all people and is seen as a parent to protect humans. In ancient religions the many gods were seen more as divine beings who just made the earth better but frequently punished the humans and well didn’t really like the mortals. One final difference between modern world religions and ancient religions is that in a modern religion God created nature and can control nature but is never nature. God is never the sun, he is never the rivers. In ancient world religions the gods were nature, and they controlled nature as well. Ancient gods are sometimes seen as a personification of different elements of nature itself. The most important difference among the ancient religions and modern world religions is that ancient religions were mostly polytheistic and modern world religions are monotheistic. This main difference creates many more differences among the religions of different periods and creates a boundary that is clearly drawn between the religions of the ancient world and modern world religions. The gods of ancient worlds reflect the humans’ personalities, thoughts, and the balance of power they strive for in the world, and God represents perfection, good morals, and everything humans wish they could be. This main difference is fundamentally the difference that builds and creates other differences between ancient religions and modern world religions.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Job Interview Questions with analysis Essay

Why is it appropriate to the role of retail assistant? 1. Why did you apply for the job of retail assistant at Primark? * In the job advert it asks ‘Do you have a passion for fashion?† * In the job advert it asks for â€Å"good communication skills† * In the person specification asks for â€Å"good communication skills† * This is an open question , this allows the candidate to give a detailed response on why they believe they are the most suitable candidate . This is also an opportunity for the candidate to demonstrate their communication skills. * This question is simply to answer and allows the candidate to relax into the interview , this is important because the candidate may be nervous so it is best to calm their nerves to ensure they complete the interview to the highest possible standard . * The interviewer can assess the quality of the communication skills and rank the candidates from this . This is important as when the candidate starts working at Primark they need to communicate clearly with the other members of staff and the customers . The customers needs to understand what is being said or they may get frustrated and leave , this would lead to a loss in sales . Having good communication skills is a key part of being a retail sales assistant as the candidate will be talking and interacting with the customers all day . They will be representing Primark and giving off possibly first impressions . In the person specification and job description asks for â€Å"good communication skills† * This question allows the candidate to demonstrate their interest and passion in fashion and retail , this is important as if a candidate is truly interested into Primark , they will be more motivated , put in more effort and perform all their tasks to the highest standard . The interviewer can also rank the candidates on how passionate they are about Primark as this directly shows how committed they are to Primark . The more committed an employee is , the more loyal they will be and they will often be more determined to take the business succeed . * This is an opportunity for the candidate to show they have researched Primark and that they have a real interest in the business . This shows they want to find to find out and they are aware of the aims and values of the business . After the candidate has read those they have decided that this job is suitable for them , this shows their confidence and determination in getting the role of retail sales assistant . As the candidate is interested in the business , they are more likely to want it to succeed and therefore will give better customer service . This candidate is given the chance to explain why they want to work at Primark as a retail sales assistant , they can be specific to Primark . * The interviewer can clearly see if the candidate is enthusiastic about Primark and the job , this will help with the ranking . In the job advert it asks ‘Do you have a passion for fashion?† * This question complies with employment legalisation and is not discriminatory , This is important as this could put the candidate off the job and give Primark a bad reputation if it was not . 1. Tell me about a time when you have shown good teamwork skills? * In the person specification a requirement is to able â€Å"to work in a team† * In the job advert it states that the candidate will join a â€Å"successful team† , implying good teamwork skills are needed to integrate into the department . * This is an open question , this allows the candidate to explain in detail a time in which they have demonstrated good teamwork skills . Team work skills are important at Primark as if the team isn’t running smoothly neither will the business . All the members rely on each other . In the job advert it states that the candidate will join a â€Å"successful team† , implying good teamwork skills are needed to integrate into the department . * This allows the interviewer to asses the candidate and see if they work integrate well with the other members of staff and therefore if they would be appropriate for the role of retail sales assistant . If the candidate shows a lack of teamwork skills , the interviewers can rank them lower as this will cause day to day problems because if the candidate cant get along with the team , its highly likely that the candidate wont get along with the customers. In the person specification a requirement is to able â€Å"to work in a team† * This is an opportunity for the candidate to demonstrate good communication skills , if they have these skills are able to implement them into the interview , they will be able to implement these with the customers . This means a high standard of customer service , if the customers are happy they will come back more often , leading to an increase in sales . * This gives the candidate to show off their communication skills to the interviewer , proving they are the most suitable candidate and they would be perfect for the role of retail sales assistant . Confidence is needed in this role , if the employee is not confident about what they are saying the customer may not believe them . * This question complies with employment legalisation and is not discriminatory , This is important as this could put the candidate off the job and give Primark a bad reputation if it was not . 1. What would you do if you saw a customer putting unpaid stock in their bag from the fitting rooms and leaving? * In the job description it requires the candidate to â€Å"watch for and recognise security risks and be able to report this situations as appropriate† * In the job description it requires the candidate to be able to supervise the fitting rooms * In person specification it requires the candidate to be able to â€Å"work under pressure in a busy environment† * This is an open question and allows the candidate to give a detailed response and demonstrate other skills such as communication skills . This is important as it shows that the candidate is able to communicate confidently in an appropriate manner with customers, other sales assistants, and retail supervisors. * This allows the candidate to show they can work under pressure and act quickly without causing a scene and disrupting other customers ., this is important as Primark will be very busy during peak shopping times such as weekends and school holiday periods. . In the person specification it requires the candidate to be able to â€Å"work under pressure in a busy environment† . * This allows the candidate to show that they can recognize security risks and give a past experience and how they dealt with the situation then . In the job description it requires the candidate to â€Å"watch for and recognise security risks and be able to report this situations as appropriate† * This allows the candidate to show they can supervise fitting rooms and possibly give a detailed response on what the would do . In the job description it requires the candidate to be able to supervise the fitting rooms . This is important as when the candidate would be working at Primark part of their job will be to supervise the fitting rooms as this is stated in the job description . . If the candidate can show that they can do this suitably . * This allows the interviewer to assess whether the candidate would act appropriately if the situation occurred and helps to judge if they are suitable for the role of retail sales assistant. * This shows that the candidate pays attention to detail and wants to improve the quality of their own work, therefore will be productive and effective as sales assistant as they will ensure stock is displayed to a high standard, customer service will be of a high standard * This question complies with employment legalisation and is not discriminatory , This is important as this could put the candidate off the job and give Primark a bad reputation if it was not . 1. How would you apply you previous training in the workplace in Primark ? * In the person specification it states â€Å"demonstrate willingness to undertake appropriate training† * This is an open question , this allows the candidate to explain in detail a time in which they trained and how they would use that in the workplace . This is important as it ensures that the candidate will implement the skills into the workplace . * In the person specification it states â€Å"demonstrate willingness to undertake appropriate training† The candidate can demonstrate their willingness to learn here by talking about a past experience . In the past if a candidate was unable to do a skill and they were willing to train to better themselves , it is highly likely that when they work at Primark they will be willing to train . * This allows the interviewer to rank the candidates because to work at Primark you need to be willing to train as at Primark there could be new tills and machinery. * If the candidate is willing to better themselves , they will also be able to ask for help when needed from another sales assistant or from the retail supervisor . * The interviewer can make a decision whether they believe the candidate can also demonstrate that they Review their work to ensure it is meeting the standards required for example would they notice that stock needed replenishing or re-folding to ensure customer satisfaction based on their past experience . This will help with ranking as the interviewer rank the candidates not on how much training they have but on if they would use it in the workplace. * This question complies with employment legalisation and is not discriminatory , This is important as this could put the candidate off the job and give Primark a bad reputation if it was not . * This question allows the candidate to demonstrate their â€Å"ability to work in a team† through their past experience . This is important in the role of a retail sales assistant as everyone relies on each other , if one person does not do their job everyone is put off track. 1. Tell me about a time when you dealt with a customer complaint * In the person specification it requires the candidate to â€Å"demonstrate a awareness of customer care† * In the person specification it requires the â€Å"good communication skills * In the job advert it requires the candidate to â€Å"deal with customer complaints as appropriate† * In the job advert it requires â€Å"good communication skills† * This allows the interviewer to rank the candidates on how they deal with this particular situation . Also the interviewer can see about any extra past experiences they may not have included . The candidates can be ranked on the most experience * This allows the candidate to demonstrate how they would react in this situation and how they will implement their past experiences in . * This allows the candidate to show that they are the most suitable candidate as they will deal with the situation with caution . * This is an open question as you can deal with the situation in many ways that are all still correct , this allows the candidate to demonstrate their skills including communication skills , communication is an essential part of working at Primark. This means that the candidate will be able to communicate confidently in an appropriate manner with customers, other sales assistants, and retail supervisors if they have already done it. In the person specification it requires the â€Å"good communication skills * This complies with the employment legalisation and is not discriminatory as it mentions nothing to do with race , religion , age or gender * This shows the interviewer how the candidate would deal with customers as if they would be patient and polite when dealing with customer enquiries or complaints about products at Primark. Also the interviewer can see how good the candidate is at recognizing the needs of customers and acting on them. This is important as it is good to have good communication skills and be able to work in a team but the candidate needs to implement them in the workplace . * The interviewer can also see what language they will use as basic literacy skills are required in the person specification , and if it is formal . The candidate will be representing Primark so they need to not use slang / swear and be polite at all times . This will help with ranking as the interviewer can decide on how they want to be dealing with the customers . If the customer complaint isn’t dealt with correctly , the customer may go to the media and a large problem may arise . In the person specification it requires the candidate to â€Å"demonstrate a awareness of customer care†. As well as In the job advert it requires the candidate to â€Å"deal with customer complaints as appropriate† 1. If a customer bought a pair of sunglasses for  £3.49 and a top for  £2.39 and paid with a  £20 note , How much change are they owed ? * In the Person specification it states that you need basic numeracy skills * It is an closed question , there is only one correct answer helps with ranking as the interview can just check which candidates get the answer correct * This complies with employment legalisation and is not discriminatory as it does not mention age , race , gender or religion . * This will allow the candidate to demonstrate their numeracy skills . This is important because in the work place the candidate may need to count the change to give back to a customer and they need to be able to do this instantly. This is important as it allows the interviewer to know if the candidate would be able to do simply maths in their head in the case of the till breaking down .The candidate can show that they are able to work well under pressure as Primark will be very busy during peak shopping times such as weekends and school holiday periods. This helps with comparing and ranking of the candidates . * This helps the interviewer with ranking also because if the candidate is unable to do this they can just be removed from the rest of the process and basic numeracy is a main component of working at Primark . If the candidate is unable to do a simple question like this , it is highly likely that if they are hired they will give too much or too little change , or just be extremely slow . Primark is a very busy business and the employees need to be able to â€Å"work under pressure in a busy environment† as it states in person specification . 1. How would you ensure that the customers are happy in Primark ? * In the person specification â€Å"an awareness of customer care† is required * In the person specification â€Å"good communication skills† are required * In the job description it states the candidate needs to â€Å"meet and greet customers† * The candidate can demonstrate that they would keep up to date with sales/offers and answer as well as give advice on products . This shows they are caring towards the customers . In the person specification â€Å"an awareness of customer care† is required . Interacting with the customers and giving advice on certain products is a great way to increase sales . In the job description it states the candidate needs to â€Å"meet and greet customers†. This is important because making sure the customers are happy is key at Primark . * This is an open question , this allows the candidate to give an a detailed response on how they would ensure customer satisfaction . * This allows the interviewer to rank the candidates on how they would be around the customers . If the candidate can explain how they would do it , its highly likely that they will * This complies with employment legalisation and is not discriminatory as it does not mention age , race , gender or religion . * The candidate shows that they will recognise the needs of the customers at Primark and will act promptly to serve them . This is important as if a customer is ignored that they would get annoyed and possible got to a competitor . * . * 1. What would you do if your colleague was struggling with keeping up the customers but it was the end of your shift ? * In the person specification it requires the ability to work in a team and the ability to work under pressure * In the person specification it requires an awareness of customer care * If the candidate is able to work well under pressure as Primark will be very busy during peak shopping times such as weekends and school holiday periods. * This allows the candidate to demonstrate that they are committed to the business and want it to succeed , so they would be willing to work overtime . * This allows the candidate to demonstrate that they know when is appropriate to step in and when they are needed . This is important as Primark is quite often busy so a dedicated employee is needed . If they are willing to step in this show that the candidate works well under pressure

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Beck Anxiety Inventory

Beck Anxiety Inventory Below is a list of common symptoms of anxiety. Please carefully read each item in the list. Indicate how much you have been bothered by that symptom during the past month, including today, by circling the number in the corresponding space in the column next to each symptom. Not At All Mildly but it didn’t bother me much. Moderately – it wasn’t pleasant at times Severely – it bothered me a lot Numbness or tingling 0 1 2 3 Feeling hot 0 1 2 3 Wobbliness in legs 0 1 2 3 Unable to relax 0 1 2 3 Fear of worst happening 0 1 2 3 Dizzy or lightheaded 0 1 2 3 Heart pounding/racing 0 1 2 3 Unsteady 0 1 2 3 Terrified or afraid 0 1 2 3 Nervous 0 1 2 3 Feeling of choking 0 1 2 3 Hands trembling 0 1 2 3 Shaky / unsteady 0 1 2 3 Fear of losing control 0 1 2 3 Difficulty in breathing 0 1 2 3 Fear of dying 0 1 2 3 Scared 0 1 2 3 Indigestion 0 1 2 3 Faint / lightheaded 0 1 2 3 Face flushed 0 1 2 3 Hot/cold sweats 0 1 2 3 Column Sum Scoring – Sum each column. Then su m the column totals to achieve a grand score. Write that score here ____________ . Interpretation A grand sum between 0 – 21 indicates very low anxiety. That is usually a good thing. However, it is possible that you might be unrealistic in either your assessment which would be denial or that you have learned to â€Å"mask† the symptoms commonly associated with anxiety. Too little â€Å"anxiety† could indicate that you are detached from yourself, others, or your environment. A grand sum between 22 – 35 indicates moderate anxiety. Your body is trying to tell you something. Look for patterns as to when and why you experience the symptoms described above. For example, if it occurs prior to public speaking and your job requires a lot of presentations you may want to find ways to calm yourself before speaking or let others do some of the presentations. You may have some conflict issues that need to be resolved. Clearly, it is not â€Å"panic† time but yo u want to find ways to manage the stress you feel. A grand sum that exceeds 36 is a potential cause for concern. Again, look for patterns or times when you tend to feel the symptoms you have circled. Persistent and high anxiety is not a sign of personal weakness or failure. It is, however, something that needs to be proactively treated or there could be significant impacts to you mentally and physically. You may want to consult a physician or counselor if the feelings persist. Beck Anxiety Inventory Scoring August 4, 2009 | Posted by SWilson After rating each of the twenty-one anxiety symptoms on the Beck Anxiety Inventory from 0 to 3, the ratings are totaled for the individual’s Beck Anxiety Inventory score. If you’d like to see how you would score, you may rate the twenty-one anxiety symptoms in the Beck Anxiety Inventory sample. The Beck Anxiety Inventory sample is in the post titled â€Å"The Beck Anxiety Inventory.† The Beck Anxiety Inventory scoring is sim ple. The person’s total score will fall within one of the ranges for the Beck Anxiety Inventory scoring. If the person’s score is under twenty-one, the person is considered to have a very low amount of anxiety. A score between twenty-two and thirty five demonstrates moderate anxiety. A person with moderate anxiety can often benefit from stress management to relieve anxiety.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

LPN to RN Transitions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

LPN to RN Transitions - Essay Example Registered nursing is at the top of the nursing team. They are holders of a degree or a three-year diploma course. Registered nursing have expanded duties in the field but their main role is taking care of the patients and ensuring that patients are living in a safe and a healthy environment. Another role is taking orders from the head of the nursing staff and assessing the patient’s condition by coming up with a plan to take care of a patient. The care plan is determined by many factors including the age, sex, religion, dietary needs and the willingness of the family support. Registered nurse is also responsible for triage, a practice that determines which patients should receive treatment first based on the showing symptoms and major complaints. Nurses with Bachelor’s Degrees have greater opportunities in the careers as they are involved in research programs in the nursing field that helps in promoting effective health care in the community and in health facilities. As such, the registered nurses are also involved in nursing science, which entails scientific research in health care (Dreher, 2011). Leadership role in Registered nurses ensures improved health care in patients and helps nurses in acquiring essential skills and abilities required in the health system. For instance, carrying re-education projects to improve the effectiveness in nursing. LPN nurses also referred to as vocational nurses have about a year in the nursing school to attain a certificate in the field. LPN nurses can perform most RN duties but they assess duties as directed by the physician. LPN role ranges from giving medication to patients as directed by the physician, injections and immunizations, entering data in the computer system, taking medical history, checking crucial sign encompassing temperature and high blood pressure. They are also responsible in checking wound care, which include cleaning and bandaging an injury.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Management of Chronic Pain for Patients With Breast Cancer Essay

Management of Chronic Pain for Patients With Breast Cancer - Essay Example The International Association for the Study of Pain defines it as: "An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage." Subjectively it could denote any form of unpleasant sensation with varying degrees of intensity. Pain is distinguished based on two basic types identified as acute and chronic. Acute pain results from a disease process whereby there is inflammation or injury to tissues occurring rather suddenly after trauma or surgery and may be accompanied by anxiety or emotional distress. Usually certain medications serve to diminish the intensity of Acute Pain. Chronic Pain however, persists over a longer period than acute pain and is resistant to most medical treatments. Several factors may serve to heighten its perception and frequency thereby causing discomfort to patients in varying degrees. Pain follows a certain train of events before it is detected and proclaimed by a patient. Luckmann and Sorensen traced it to "the nerve receptors, named as nociceptors which differs from the complex receptors of vision and other senses". These nociceptors are simply free nerve endings in almost all types of tissues which react to change and require a high level of stimulation to elicit a response. However once their threshold is exceeded they communicate the presence of the painful stimulus. At times they become so over sensitized that long after the stimulus is removed, pain still persists. Once these nociceptors are stimulated, they discharge an impulse that travels in the form of an electrical activity to the spinal cord and on to the brain. The spinal cord is informed on the activity of the body through nerve fibers carrying somatosensory information. The spinothalamic tract then carries the painful information to the brain via the thalamus by passing through the somatosensory cortex which serves to localize and identify the quality of pain before it is diffused to the many areas of the brain including the reticular formation, medulla, hypothalamus and limbic structures. As a response, the brain sends to the receptors a complex response to the painful stimuli. It dictates the receptors to identify the degree, the character and intensity of the pain; its location and how to behave to reduce or avoid it in the future. "Pain can be inhibited if its pathways are blocked", as presented in the Gate-Control Theory of Melzack and Wall. The "gate" in their report is controlled by a dynamic function of cells that can facilitate or inhibit the transmission of pain signals. The fibers bringing pain information from the tissues are found in layers known as laminae. A certain Laminae II which is different from the rest of the layers and also called the Substantia Gelatinosa(SG) is proposed as the location of the "gate". This serves as the convergence point of all pain information, whether stimulus coming in from the tissues or identification from the brain. A spinal cord transmission cell also known as the t-cell either opens the gate thereby facilitating pain transmission or closing the gate. A variety of sources may close or open the gate but only the brain can manipulate the "gate" to inhibit or

Monday, August 26, 2019

'radical change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

'radical change - Essay Example On the other hand, in the development process, a large organisation may come face-to-face with momentous need for radical and fundamental change. In most instances, changes in a large organisation may be triggered by several circumstances that include: emerging threat from a competitor, decision to expand the company’s market, unexpected reduction in the company’s production and profitability, change in customers’ needs and demands as well as sharp slide in the company’s production (Pardo Del Val and Fuentes 2003, p.149). Therefore, to ensure the success of any radical change in an organisation, leader and managers ought to come up with a promising and an effective mechanism to facilitate effective implementation of the required change. Additionally, the adoption of a strategy that would incorporate ideas and views from all stakeholders is also essential and critical for the company’s development (Thornhill, Lewis, Millmore, and Saunders 2000, p.11) . The essay below will as a result identify and expound on the most effective means of addressing the financial crises in Associated Dairies & Farm Stores Limited

Chapter 13 Factual Review Questions # 1, 3, 5, and 9 Assignment

Chapter 13 Factual Review Questions # 1, 3, 5, and 9 - Assignment Example The company, at large suffers from this and so does the worker. This situation is not beneficial for the company. People start Internal Politics for their personal gain. The motive can be promotion, ego, insecurity, ambition, power or even acceptance. The need to be promoted is always the prime reason for creating the internal politics. For example: there is an opening for a new managerial position and there are two candidates. Now, Candidate A is well known to be the optimum manager and Candidate B knows it. So he will start spreading rumors about the A candidate and it will reach the ears of the boss. In contrast, candidate A will spread some rumors about candidate B and makes sure that it reaches the ears of the Boss. In short both of these candidates will try to uproot the other to get the best job. They cannot be loyal to the organization as well because they will prefer their personal interest always. It can be risky for the growth of organization. The total quality is always affected by the internal politics. First of all, the productivity of the company is strongly decreased. The employees spend more time on politics than on their own work. The morale of the employees is always down. The backbiting, rumors and buck passing are the biggest hurdles in the success of companies. The competitive energy of the company is low. There are always many conflicts among different groups of people and this makes the situation very difficult. The loss of total quality will mean that the customer satisfaction level will be lower than usual and the company will bear several heavy losses. And the company will also lose it’s focus from the important factors that really matter. Internal Politics is bad but this does mean that it cannot be used for the benefit of the company. If a company sits idle for too long then it will soon die. A good company will always encourage conflict

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Qualitative Research Problem and Design-Terence Essay

Qualitative Research Problem and Design-Terence - Essay Example current practical criminology and the particular crime perspective that was created within this research practice (Neuman & Wiegand, 2011).  It is also vital to state that a number of sociological learning on deviance that was focused on the future of a particular perspective of social science on deviance and crime had a qualitative method. However, this term was not well-known during the early twentieth century and there was also no apparent difference between quantitative and quality methods. During the 1940s, when the statistical processes and methods of survey progressed, the ethnographic custom of Chicago school established its place in the social research background and this also included criminology. The qualitative methods used in criminology were driven to the background by the reality that criminology was dominant by jurisprudence, at least in Germany (Schmalleger, 2012).  This started to change during the 1960s in the United States and during the 1970s in Germany. It is during this period that the labeling approach attempted to initiate a new model in social study on deviance. For both of the themes, a qualitative research method was suitable. If crime is considered to be achieved by actions of the organizations of social control, then crime must be analyzed to know its real meaning, an the most appropriet design to this is by use of qualitative research. Crime constitutes the aspects of situations that involve negotiations among various parties that may include the judge, the police, the witness, the victim and the offender (Noaks & Wincup, 2014). Therefore, the aspects of crime can only be inquired through the execution of qualitative methods. The labeling strategy concentrates on how crime is produced by rebuilding the scheduled performances of the foundation of social control and by rebuilding the inherent practices of the organizations of social control and also by rebuilding the inherent standards that produce those practices. This viewpoint on

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Pharmaceutical indusrry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pharmaceutical indusrry - Essay Example With this monopoly, comes a lot of power which gives pharmaceutical companies the incentive to focus on the large amount of capital needed for research and development. This then allows them to profit more from competitive companies by use of these patents. Without these patents, only one company, which had invested in research and development, would be responsible for development a new drug into the system. All the other pharmaceuticals would only be responsible for reproducing this new, innovative drug. Pharmaceutical companies are trying hard to recover the research and development costs that are incurred during the innovation of a new drug. One of the ways of achieving this is by marketing these drugs. Unlike most consumer drugs that can be purchased from the seller to the buyer directly, these drugs have to be prescriptions from the doctor or physician. Without these prescriptions, the drugs cannot be legally sold. Since the physician does not stand to legally profit from authorizing the drug to be used, the drug companies stopped the advertising campaigns that were directed at physicians. This was mainly because the physicians would likely act in their own interest, and in the best interest of the patient, as well. However, as time went by, the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration), began letting the pharmaceuticals to do direct consumer exchanges (Acemoglu, p 1). This made them target their advertising and campaigns to consumers. The aim of this was that when the consumer went t o the physician they could ask for a drug. This in effect, increased the advertising costs and raised the costs of innovative new drugs. Clinical trials have significantly increased because of the reduced willingness of test subjects. This coupled with greater challenges in drug trials are responsible for an increase in costs. Due to increased development,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Martin Luther King Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Martin Luther King - Essay Example Throughout your letter, you explain to them why your demonstrations were necessary as a means of bringing in the interest and attention of the northern white people and force change in the laws for the benefit of black citizens of the South. You also indicate why it was appropriate and even incumbent upon you, as a minister, to stand up for the human rights of your people rather than to allow them to continue to be so poorly treated. Finally, you demonstrate your connection with your people by pointing out to these ministers why the timing of your demonstrations had to be now as society had finally reached a boiling point when some action was bound to occur. In your closing words, you criticize these other ministers for not helping you find a peaceful means for the people to express their frustration and to act in the name of human goodness. While it is true that your efforts throughout your life did bring about significant change for the better in getting many of these segregation l aws abolished, speaking as a citizen of the 21st century, I regret to tell you that things haven’t really changed all that much. In the 45 years since you wrote your letter, psychologists and sociologists have discovered more and more about the effects of the past upon the reactions of the present within the human mind. Recent investigation has proven that racism is rooted in dysfunctional belief systems resulting from distorted perceptions formed over a period of time as beliefs and practices are passed from one generation to the next. We cannot ignore the significant role of the socio-cultural environment in shaping perceptual patterns. In addition, it is well known that people are inclined to respond on the basis of their own experience when it comes to social interactions and social biases such as racism. Therefore, people who have

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Marco in a View from a Bridge Essay Example for Free

Marco in a View from a Bridge Essay Give advice to an actor playing Marco on how he should present the character Marco is a character of two faces. At the beginning of the play, a grateful and respectful man is presented to the audience. He shakes Eddie’s hand, and makes it clear that he does not want to impose – ‘when you say go, we will go’. This is in stark contrast to the absolute lack of respect your character gives Eddie later in the story, and the more-so you can make this the better the reception will be from the audience. Marco is also quite a reserved character. When the two men first come to the house, Marco speaks only in short sentences, rarely elaborating on his point. However, he also seems to have a quiet authority and this is shown in stage directions when Eddie ‘is coming more and more to address Marco only’. This authority is also shown when Rodolpho starts to sing, saying ‘You’ll be quiet, Rodolpho. ’ silencing his brother. This reservation is also shown in his realistic sense of mind, compared to his brother who has possibly unreachable dreams. He is also not as flamboyant or elaborate as his brother, who sings, cooks and sews; he is a ‘regular bull’. This makes others respect him and this sense of authority and strength needs to be portrayed. In the scene where Marco shows his strength by lifting the chair one-handed, the tables start to turn. The respect Marco once had for Eddie seems to have disappeared suddenly, as Marco menacingly holds the chair over Eddie’s head. On the surface, it looks as though he is protecting his brother, but the underlying reasons are mainly that by doing so, Marco has just proved Eddie’s inferiority. This enjoyment of feeling superior mixed with the defence of his brother makes Marco a fierce character in this scene, and a character that may have been shadowed in earlier scenes come to prominence in the play, and this continues in the later parts. The character then follows a vicious path of revenge after realising that is was Eddie that reported them to Immigration. Your character loses sympathy with the audience due to this, and as you lose sight of everything else why you came to America, your family etc. – the seems to be no compassion in Marco. He not only wants to kill Eddie but humiliate him as much as possible in the process. Essentially, Marco is like Eddie. A formally caring man of his family, he is an honourable man who lacks the quality of forgiveness.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Analysis of Competitive Environment Models and Tools Essay Example for Free

Analysis of Competitive Environment Models and Tools Essay Introduction   Ã¢â‚¬ËœClosed’ systems are described as systems having no relationship, communications and interface to its outside world.   Systems including human organizations, which is self-sustaining (both food producing and waste material recycling) has always been in touched with other organizations and its environment.   Imagine an entity floating in outer space carrying living organisms in it.   And such are producing their own food, energy and raw materials needed for survival.   But such entity will die in the future for it will need to replenish its need, energy to use and food to eat.    This fact makes an entity virtually lonely and survival impossible, thus organizations, social groups and social entities are interconnected. This connections and interactions render them as ‘open’ entities.   This connection allows entities to exchange the necessary things that will allow the survival and sustainability of its existence.   Organizations interact with its environment and other organizations for resources, information and technology, weapons, goods and services.   Thus transformation of organization becomes inevitable.   The point is it is a necessity rather than a requirement for organizations to work with or against other organizations and its environment for growth, survival and development.   A typical example of an entity, which houses everything that it needs and for its consumer: the hypermarkets. Hypermarket is a combination of a supermarket and a department store. It is a huge retail store which house a wide range of products. A well planned hypermarket allows a consumer to purchase everything in this type of facility. Like malls and grocery stores, hypermarkets follows a   on high-volume, low-margin sales model. The size of hypermarket facility covers an average of 150,000 square feet.   Such facilities are located on suburban and highly accessible areas for vehicles to accommodate large numbers of shoppers. (Wikipedia, 2007). In 1957, Carrefour was the first to introduce hypermarkets in 1957 owned by Fournier and Defforey (Wikipedia, sec 1).   This entity targeted a wide range of customers that the concept of housing all the necessary things human beings would possibly need was made in one entity.   Analysing this kind of organization using the different environmental analysis models and tools, we can get rich lessons from   Carrefour. The STEP checklist (Social, Technological, Economic and Political). STEP is simple and has many applications in many fields.   STEP is an acronym, which stands for Social, Technological, Economic and Political Checklist.   This method determines the factors that influences organizations/entities accurately and systematically.   The STEP checklist facilitates ease of determining the factors that influences the organization (Armson et al, 12-13). Social factors include demography, culture and values of an organization, vision and mission. The physical aspects of the society are measured by sociological factors like age, class, trends in migration and emigration, and so on.   Carrefour had integrated a multilevel marketing strategy based on this indicator.   A family as a unit has special need for each member. If Carrefour could bring all these needs in one place, the family need not go on separate ways.   As they acquire the needs, the company of each member is not sacrificed.   Exchange of opinions regarding clothes for each member and the amount of consumption and expenditure is also discussed while they go shopping around. Technological factors refer to machines, discoveries and techniques developed that improve communication, systems, and the general way of life.   Economic factors refer to the financial growth, family income and other economic indicators.   Political factor translates to the rules and regulations, government and system of governance and the political direction of the organization in terms of leadership.   Carrefour in this example had brought in together in one place the advances in technology.   The barcodes that we have, the electronic transactions that we have are all products of the chain reaction in putting together shops in one place.   The need for efficiency and fast movement of goods was conceptualized little by little. The Transformation Model The STEP model is an overview of everything that occurs in an organization.   It determines individual movement of society and its causal agent.   In transformation model, inputs determine the output using a certain ‘transformation’ process. This Input-Process-Output process has been borrowed from Ludwig von Bertalanffy in 1950 in his general systems theory (Wikipedia, par 1, sec. 1).   This theory is an approach that looks into the properties of systems in terms of relationships and processes and those that emerge from these relationships and processes which also conveys the whole. In the point of view of customer relations, Carrefour had encountered a lot of challenges that it evolved into an efficient system of customer service.   A special section perhaps dealing with product complains, product testing and purchase returns was created.   The reaction to its competitors was to move the same. Show the customer concerns and care for their needs as they value their hard earned money.   Other inputs like management had evolved from simple to complex structure.   But as this processes occurred, everything also move with them like customer perception, supplier value-adding activities, government regulations and even lifestyle of the community which they exist. Mintzberg’s ‘Physiognomy’ Physiognomy was used by palm readers to read lines in human hands in relation to the human character.   In this case, we use faces to read characters of organizations.   Mintzberg believes that organizations should forged links or ‘coalitions’.   These coalitions are useful when problems that require resolution arise.   When the different interests relating to the problem represent different groups, power groups are said to arise (Armson et al, 12-13). In addition to this, Mintzberg created ‘cast lists’ of every groups and/or coalition, which could be used as checklist also.   He named key players in these coalitions such as owners, associates, associations, and publics. Economic Sector Analysis Another method of dissecting business environment is the use of sectors and markets in the economics point of view (Armson et al, 14-15).   Economists termed sector (more like industries) in the use of economic activities.   In a sector, similar goods and services are produce such that each is affected by one another.   For example, a growing sector affects other sectors as well as the organizations within that sector.   Whether these effects are large or small, the use of sector analysis allows us to explore organizations in the same sector especially what is distinct in that organization.   Again Carrefour as a hypermarket entity pioneer spurred other hypermarket entities to compete and also join industries to lobby for government policies. References: Armson, Rosalind, John Martin, Susan Carr, Roger Spear and Walsh Tony. The Open University: Managing in Organizations: Identifying Environmental Issues. 1995. p11-15. General Systems Theory. Wikipedia- the Free Encyclopedia.   2006. http://en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Systems_theory. Hypermarket.   Wikipedia- the free encyclopedia: 2007 http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/hypermarket â€Å"Carrefour† Wikipedia- the free encyclopedia.   12 February 2007. http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Carrefour

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Nihilism in T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland

Nihilism in T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland Chapter 1 Introduction Nihilism is a very popular concept in English Literature and many authors have taken Nihilism as a theme in many of their works. The word Nihilism has long history. The word Nihilism is the resultant of the Latin phrase ‘Nihil’, which means anything does not exist. This term grew to be preferred with the newsletter of Ivan Turgenev’s novel Fathers and sons (1862) the place he used nihilism to explain the basic and rudimentary scientism supported by way of this character Bazarov who sermonizes a statement of belief of total negation. There are a couple of interpretations of the phrase Nihilism, as many critics have stated about Nietzsche that he believed within the literal dying of god. Nietzsche in lots of his works expresses a terror that decline of religion, the upward thrust of atheism, and the nonappearance of a better moral authority would thrust the world into chaos. The western world for a long time was depended on the rule of god for steering and direction and the way in which it gave order to society and which means to way of life or existence . Without this, Nietzsche says that society will move into an age of nihilism. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) is one of the most popular name to be associated with the concept of Nihilism, as he has referred and thereby included this concept in many of his works. He was a German thinker and philosopher of the late 19th century who defied and challenged the fundamentals of Christianity and conventional and traditional morality. Nihilism in step with Nietzsche is first of all the situation where the world appears to be without value, morals, the world after the loss of life of god. There is not any get away from the fact and whilst there is not any approach to reconcile oneself to it, since all of the method have utterly failed. This can be a predicament, an untenable trouble, a state of powerlessness that we cannot probably suffer. For the world seems to be without value precisely on account that the values we invested on this world are failing: they now not participate in their ordering or organizing perform. Nietzsche is probably associated with nihilism that put his factor ahead via saying that its corrosive and mordant results would eventually smash all moral, religious and metaphysical convictions and precipitate the finest trouble in human historical past Nihilism is a term which describes the lack of value and meaning in individual’s life. When Nietzsche mentioned that god is lifeless, he meant that Christianity has somewhere been lost as a guiding force in our lifes and there is nothing to replace it. Nietzsche’s philosophy arrives from the rejection, from outrage on the world, from the simple that world reasons. It is only once we learn to care for this pain, when we observe its vigor, that we will be able to appreciate the world as it is. This needs that we confront nihilism, now not most effective nihilistic attitudes or role but most of all the nihilism of what occurs, the nihilism of our lives. Nietzsche is famous for proclaiming death of god. Through talking concerning the demise of god, Nietzsche is maintaining come what may that god existed for a time and that he died, ceased to exist. Nietzsche is just not pronouncing that god literally existed and he actually died. What he means is right here is that the sugg estion of god performed a principal and a unifying function in western philosophical concept as good as everyday lifestyles, and that this proposal has ceased to satisfy its operate. The topics of nihilism and faith, nihilism and morality, and overcoming of nihilism. This thematic focal point reflects three primary features of view of which nihilism is massive for Nietzsche’s idea. The dying of god represents a predominant precondition for the uncompromising stance regarding the diagnosis of nihilism. After Nietzsche, the influence of nihilism has its clearest and most sustained effect within the huge area of morality; finally the doctrines of eternal return and the desire to power conceived as stratagems for the overcoming of nihilism. In all of the three sections, religion, morality and the overcoming of nihilism – a growing universalization of the predicament of nihilism makes manifest. Nietzsche, at the end of the 19th century mentioned that the approaching century will be the story of nihilism-the expertise of the dying of god and the simultaneous retention of the ancient expectations in regards to the which means, rationale and worth. For the duration of the transitional period of nihilism, humans will think that there is not anything rationale, meaning or values. In short, the world identity nothing-that is the expertise of nihilism-the interpretation of the new world order in phrases of the categories correct to the ancient, now defunct worldview. Nihilism is theref ore a transitional state that outcome from having one foot in the historic world and the opposite in the new of expectations proper to the Christian world view. The points that Nietzsche had put forward regarding Nihilism were critiqued by several religious challengers, and existentialist. One of the popular critics called Albert Camus, believe that the human beings generally logs and desires for higher order absurd. He also said that the death of god was insignificant and unimportant and that the entire mankind, do not need any higher authority or power and danger of divine wrath to live a contented, happy life full of morals. Nietzsche talked about the end of Christian morality in the world. Nietzsche in God is Dead stated that he believed that here is no longer a real essence or substance to conventional and traditional social, political and religious values. He witnessed that old values and old ethics, probity and morals, now, don’t have the same power that they once had. At this stage, he announced the death of god, stating that the traditional or time-honoured resource and basis of transcendental value, God, no longer did not ho ld any importance in modern culture and was efficiently dead to us. Generally, Nihilists believe in the fact that without any apposite and apt source of complete , universal, and inspirational values, then there cannot be any real values at all. Chapter II Unveiling Hidden Aspects of Nihilism in T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland T.S. Eliot (1888-) was born and brought up in St. Louis, Missouri. He went to Smith Academy in St. Louis and after that the Milton Academy in Massachusetts, as his family was initially from New England. Eliot started courses at Harvard University in 1906, graduating after three years with a Bachelor of Arts degree. At Harvard, he was extraordinarily affected by teachers eminent in verse, rationality and abstract feedback, and whatever is left of his artistic profession would be formed by each of the three. Not long after the turn of the century, Eliot started seeing his poems and short stories in print. T. S. Eliot was a writer, screenwriter and scholarly commentator and a Nobel Prize victor for his excellent work. Some of his best known works incorporate the poems The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The Waste Land, Murder in the Cathedral The Hollow Men, Four Quarters and the plays Murder in the Cathedral and The Cocktail Party. His most renowned exposition remains Tradition and t he Individual Talent. For his lifetime of idyllic advancement, Eliot won the Order of Merit and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948. The Waste Land, by T. S. Eliot, showed up during an era when European culture was not knowing as to what to do with itself. Europe had quite recently risen up out of World War I, a war which had damaged the landmass , its general public and society. Numerous people of that time believed in the fact that society has become disordered, chaotic,coldhearted and humans without any sentiments. A feeling of disappointment, disillusion and criticism got to be proclaimed and nihilism became popular and came to the front. The poem then was known as a poem which reflected the condition after the war and how that resulted in degradation and loss of values and ideals,and further resulting, a loss in faith. The Waste Land also expresses the hopelessness which was present in that time in the society. People felt that nothing is left. The poem commences with the central character of the poem, of the wasteland, thinking about the spring: April is the unkind and callous month, variety Lilacs out of the dead land, amalgamating Memory and desire, blending Dull roots with spring rain. Winter keep us warm, covering Earth in dreamy snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. This passage is an indication of the extent of the dilapidation, deprivation and corruption and degradation of man. The man has drawn and has gone so low into depravity, corruption, and decadence and evil that he now wants to live a life of unawareness and due to this they are not living a complete and a fruitful life. April, the month in which spring starts, is no more a happy time in which new life is commended and rejoiced, yet a coldblooded time of resurrection that reminds man that his own particular life is frightfully unfilled and is empty. The speaker then reviews the time he initially understood that his life has become empty, blank, vacant and bare. In the springtime, he says, he gave his mate hyacinths. When he gave a glimpse to her, then he noticed that his beloved arm’s were full of beautiful flowers and from her hair, water was dropping, then he anticipated to see joy, contentment, fulfillment and satisfaction on her face, but saw nothing. As of right now, he understands that genuine bliss cant be found in passing and temporary things. The world holds nothing for him- Oed und scoff das Meer-forsaken and vacant is the ocean. It is conceivable that Eliot resulted in these present circumstances same acknowledgment through a comparable reason, as he and his wife had an exceptionally miserable relationship. The hero then goes up against us a trip through society, an excursion that shows the full degree of human corruption and profound spiritual emptiness and blankness. In the first scene of A Game of Chess, an affluent couple is indicated at home, living futile lives and a life without meaning which is made out of dull schedules. Their relationship is constrained and simulated, every so self-assimilated that not one or the other can correspond with the other. The world war I is one of the most enormous disaster and misfortune in the history. The after effects of the war to had a drastic effect on the ordinary people. The condition of that time was also portrayed in literature, and in poems as well. T.S. Eliot is one of the most important war-poet who in his poem the wasteland, depicts the condition of mankind struck in paramount destruction and demolition following the war. The poem is divided into five parts and its puts forward some of the themes like social devastation, thrashing of joy and looking forward in future and belief in nothing. The poem begins with the first part of the poem named as, ‘The Burial of the dead’. In this section , the speaker can be Eliot himself, is describing the seasons. Spring brings reminiscence and the necessitate and need and then the speaker’s memory drifts back to time to munich, to childhood sled rides and to a potential romance with a hyacinth lady. He then goes on remembering som e other incidents which includes the fortune teller namely , Sosostris and then he finds himself on the London bridge. The third part ‘ The Heart Sermon’ opens with a picture of river. The speaker is sitting on the banks and muses on the deplorable condition of the world and then the scene shifts to maidens singing a song of lament and one of those id crying because of the fact that the world has lost its innocence to a similarly lustful man. The fourth section, ‘ Death by Water’, describes a dead Phoenician lying within the water. The speaker cries for rain and it finally comes. Second part of the poem is a very famous part which is named as ‘ A game of Chess’ which focuses on the aspect that humans share some similarities with the pieces just like there are on the board of chess. The title suggests the horrible conditions after the war for the complete society. People were living on the wasteland, and they have been clutched and compressed in a situation just as pieces in chess. One of the line of the second part of the poem which involves the fisher king myth and it underlines the infertility and barrenness of humanity after the war. There was no love , communication between the lovers and thus it resulted in no reproduction at all. The idea of nothingness and emptiness is the central theme of the poem, which is the symbol of realism of that society. The famous poem the Wasteland is divided into five parts which represents five totally different elements of earth, fire, water, etc, because of the hunter picture in a search. The effects of the war was as such that it did affected the physical environment but it also resulted in the loss of spiritual and moral life and its vitality, liveliness and strength. Because of this condition it was difficult for people to return on the previous innocence and it was marked by emptiness and a search which goes on its journey without any probable scope of improvement. The second part of the poem is also marked by hopelessness, degeneration, infertility, unworthiness and cruel condition of humanity. Humanity has no other option to flee and runaway. But people were still living and continuing there designated roles and was living in horrible conditions around them. The title of the second part is highly symbolic, just as in the game of chess there is an division based on hierarchy, in the same w ay humans are also divided on several parameters and social realities. The second part of the poem can itself be divided into two parts, the first one is concerned with the richer class and the setting is their respective households. And second part depicts the poorer class and the action takes place in a pub. The main subject matter of first part is despair , despondency and lack of optimism are portrayed here. The unproductiveness and aridity of the setting is a major theme which is highlighted by focusing on social classes and persons. The barrenness of marriage is also emphasised to all classes of society and the fact that love does not appear anymore. At the end, what is left behind is darkness, dimness and sadness and a crystal clear picture of the wasteland. Chapter III Conclusion Nihilism is one of the most celebrated notion in English language and many writers have taken Nihilism as a subject matter in many of their works. The word Nihilism has long history. The word Nihilism is the resultant of the Latin phrase ‘Nihil’, which means anything does not exist. Nihilism in step with Nietzsche is first of all the situation where the world appears to be without value, morals, and the world after the loss of life of god. There is not any get away from the fact and whilst there is not any approach to reconcile oneself to it, since all of the method have utterly failed. For the world seems to be without value precisely on account that the values we invested on this world are failing: they now not participate in their ordering or organizing perform. This can be a predicament, an untenable trouble, a state of powerlessness that we cannot probably suffer. Nihilism is therefore a transitional state that outcome from having one foot in the historic world and the opposite in the new of expectations proper to the Christian world view. There are many elements of Nihilism which are found in T.S. Eliot’s the Wasteland. The wasteland causes a sensation once it absolutely was printed in 1922. Nihilism with reference to the Wasteland talks about the end of Christianity and religion as a guiding light to the people because of the growing power of the evil and the victory of good over bad. The Waste Land, by T. S. Eliot, came up during an era when European culture and world was not knowing as to what to do with itself. Many people of that time believed that society has become disordered, chaotic ,and humans without any sentiments. A feeling of disappointment, disillusion and criticism got to be emphasized and nihilism became popular and came to the front. The poem then was known as a poem which reflected the condition after the war and how that resulted in degradation and loss of values , morals and ideals ,and further resulting, a loss in faith. The Waste Land also expresses the hopelessness which was present in t hat time in the society. People felt that nothing is left on which they can believe and attain solutions to their various problems. With his depiction of London as the ‘unbelievable and incredible city’ whose populace has been fixed by death, Eliot plainly depicts the sadness experienced by the British after the war. The city is not just possessed by the coagulated waterway of sighing masses which courses through its mist secured roads, however by the spooky memories of officers like Stetson who lost their lives amid the war. Like The Sound and the Fury, ‘The Wasteland’ endeavors to pass on the agnosticism of its day through its extremely structure and style. By its disconnected lines and various dark references, the poem introduces an age in which otherworldly and existential assurance.Remaining out of sight of this poem is the Fisher King, a legendary figure from Arthurian legend. His barrenness speaks to the sterility of the age, and his just trust is that somebody will ask him what it is that upsets him. In The Wasteland, Eliot is underlining the way that the issue for present day man is not to be found in the absence of bounteous answers, however in the absence of the best possible inquiries. The age that delivered World War I couldnt settle its own particular issues; just a come back to the knowledge that had gone before it offered any trust. These works impart a compelling truth: that in his ascent to power and investigative ability, humankind lost his direction. Perplexity rules and his tower is left to disintegrate. This is skepticism: the breaking down of all esteem; the lethal oversight of overlooking that the most valuable things that a man has are not those things which can be full in a wash room, put away in a ledger. Yet, as Eliot saw, there is trust: escape from the maze of negligibility is not found by pressing forward into the dimness, however by taking after the breadcrumbs of times long past once again to the doorway and to escape. The poem’s main element of ni hilism can be found in a manner that the death of Christianity and religion as a source of enlightenment and inspiration from is as it is dead because of the increased corruption and loss of values and morals. The poem also gives many examples in various sections about the degrading values and morals and the way people are becoming materialistic and only thinking about themselves rather than humanity on a whole. Works Cited:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Harley Davidson :: essays research papers

The purpose of this industry analysis is to develop understanding for Harley Davidson Inc. and the employee owned manufacturer of heavyweight motorcycles. We will focus on some of the distributing of products to domestic and international markets targeting men and women of all ages. The motorcycle industry is made up of five major manufacturers: four Japanese (Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki), one American (Harley Davidson) and some European companies (mainly BMW of Germany and some other Italian companies). Most companies market their motorcycles and accessories on a worldwide basis. Industry sales of motorcycles were shrinking in the early l990s because of the recession. Three types of products/services are being offered motorcycles, accessories, and financing services. Motorcycles: This is a loose term for some, however we are going to look at that would include motorcycles. Mopeds or scooters (with engines under 125ccwhich are used as an alternative to walking), accounting for about 17% of total motorcycle sales; lightweight motorcycles road bikes, dirt bikes, dual purpose bikes (with engines ranging from 125cc to 499cc), accounting for 51% of sales; sport motorcycles street bikes, and super bikes (with engines ranging from 450 to 749cc) accounting for 13% of sales; heavyweight motorcycles cruisers, touring bikes (ranging from 750cc to 1500cc) accounting for 19% of sales. Accessories: all leading manufacturers produce Aftermarket accessories, such as saddlebags, windshields, custom seats, helmets, and clothing items. Accessories can bring in a large amount of profit but they can also strengthen customer relations and customer loyalty. In order to succeed companies need to do a market analysis of what sales and what the customer base requests. Sales of accessories and parts make up 36% of total retail sales and are a viable area for producers to explore because people want something to differentiate their bikes. In the past, motorcycles were viewed as a cheap means of transportation. By 1992, they came to be viewed as a recreational, or a luxury item. This new perception of motorcycles led to the introduction of more expensive models with higher prices. This led to the introduction of consumer financing, one of the fastest growing service areas in the motorcycle industry. Financing Services: As motorcycle prices increase to above the cost some can afford out of pocket. Many customers are finding a need for financing within the dealership of the motorcycle company. Financing terms and payment arrangements are necessary to succeed and be competitive. The customers of motorcycles can be divided into two categories men and women.

Why Do Teenagers Smoke :: essays research papers

WHY DO TEENAGERS SMOKE? There is an urgent need to make non-smoking appear cool and desirable. The number of people lighting up is on the rise.In 1986, when the first National Health and Mobility Survey was carried out by the Ministry of Health to find out the number of smokers, the figure stood at 21.5 per cent. However, in the last study published in 1996, the number of smokers rose to 24.8 per cent.Of these figures, those aged between 15 and 24 in 1986 made up 11.5 per cent. In 1996, the age barrier shifted to between 18 and 24. Yet the percentage increased to 33.6 per cent, proving that young smokers are lighting up more, influenced by their elders and trying to fit into the the image of cool as depicted by their movie and music idols. One doesn’t start smoking because of it seductive power. Most beginners do not enjoy their first try but rather suffer a bitter taste, bad smell, a cough and a money lose. One doesn’t feel a high soaring feeling. One actually has to over come this uncomfortable feeling to continue smoking. The reasons to start are mainly social and psychological and are not connected to the enjoyment itself. So the way to deal with it must be educationally and emotionally. Rehabilitation is hard and complex as it creates a physical and emotional dependency. It is much easier to work on avoidance. So we will examine why do youths start smoking. The first feelings are uncomfortable- a bitter taste in the mouth, bad smell and a caugh. What motivates the youth to overcome these feelings, and to continue smoking until their addicted? Some claim that kids slip into smoking out of immaturity or impulsiveness. But even adolescents have some logic which is social and psychological. The addiction is both physical and mental. The body adjusts to the Nicotine and craves it when it’s missed. But the main addiction is mental. The proof is found among Shabbat observers who can abstain from smoking the whole Shabbat. So it mainly depends on the habits a person has. Rehabilitation must include energies such as the Jewish law to restrain habits that have become a person’s second nature. More and more smokers claim they want to quit. In an American poll 70% adolescent smoker claimed they wouldn’t have started if they could choose to again and two thirds want to quit. Most cannot quit. The health ministry’s pole from the beginning of the year showed that 58% of the smokers who tried to quit failed.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Detective Fiction & Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Essay -- Literature

According to the English crime writer P.D. James (1920-) â€Å"for a book to be described as detective fiction there must be a central mystery and one that by the end of the book is solved satisfactorily and logically, not by good luck or intuition, but by intelligent deduction from clues honestly if deceptively presented.† (James. 2009: 16). This is traditionally conducted via a detective; a figure deployed within the narrative structure ‘whose occupation is to investigate crimes’ (Oxford. 2006: 202). Therefore detective fiction represents an enigma, a puzzle to be solved through an intriguing series of events and clues presented by the writer to its audience; that are taken on a journey through a process of reasoning, elimination and conclusion to solve a mystery. The narrative formula allows the audience to engage on an exploration of self-discovery as â€Å"the mystery’s solution supplies a temporary sense of self through which the reader is offer ed an apparatus for negotiating the boundaries that define identity.† (McCracken. 1998: 50). Detective fiction can be defined and situated into various different categories; â€Å"one is taxonomic†¦placing it in relation to other types of popular literature†¦Westerns, science fiction, spy tales and so on. John G. Cawelti’s (Adventure) has grouped these types into larger categories called ‘archetypes’ which are convenient for making an initial distinction between two major kinds of detective fiction, ‘Mystery’ and ‘Adventure.’ (Rzepka. 2005: 9). This raises the question of how detective fiction appeals to past and present audience’s and its position as part of a mass market publication in contemporary society. In order to answer this question it is important to briefly summarise the rise o... ... [Accessed 20th April 2012] Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. (2007) Detective Fiction, Herman, D. Jahn, M. & Ryan, M. [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 19th April 2012] Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Literary Estate. (2000) The Official Website of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Literary Estate. [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 20th April 2012] The Sherlock Holmes Company, (2010). [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 21st April 2012]

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Many scholars and practitioners admit that ABC has several pitfalls

Activity-Based Costing ( ABC ) method is the most well-known direction accounting invention in the last 20 old ages. It is primary used to heighten the productiveness and efficiency in the concern procedure ; to assist make budgets and set monetary values ; to sort client costs and better client dealingss ; to do determinations on strategic issues ; and to turn to external dialogue issues. ABC has been frequently used together with other direction tools and methods depending on the overall aims of specific enterprises. This paper analyzes ABC undertaking executions in assorted industries, identifies issues related to such executions and offers a model for maximal benefits.LITERATURE REVIEWWe have investigated recent literature in the countries of concern, direction, accounting, and finance, among others, reviewed over 20 articles related to ABC and identified 5 articles relevant to ABC executions. Based on the reappraisal of published literature from 1998 to 2009, we analyzed the usa ge of ABC. In a sum of 18 articles looking in accounting, finance, and public presentation direction diaries, we found that ABC was chiefly applied in the undermentioned five countries.Synthesis of ABC DevelopmentsMany bookmans and practicians admit that ABC has several booby traps. We can name the major unfavorable judgments as follows: †¢ A batch of practicians explain that ABC systems are expensive to implement, clip consuming and difficult to set. For case, Kaplan and Anderson ( 2007, p. 5 ) has described the ABC system of Hendee Enterprises, a Houston-based maker of sunshades. They explain that the ABC package took three yearss to cipher costs for the company ‘s 150 activities, 10,000 orders and 45,000 line points. †¢ A batch of failures have been compiled, particularly in the service industries. †¢ Finally, a batch of people think that the ABC method is excessively complex. As a effect, it sometimes fails to clear up the decision-making procedure and the scheme of the house. This is why since its early phases, several specific applications based on the ABC method have been suggested. Table 1 shows a synthesis of these applications. Their aims are: †¢ To diversify the costs objects ( merchandises, services, procedures, clients, markets, etc. ) †¢ To widen the analysis margin ( spacial and temporal broadening ) , and †¢ To find the relevant degree of inside informations to analyse the costs. These aim show a common aim, which is, to direct the computation of the costs towards the cardinal value factors of the house. In Table 1, we distinguish the three groups of techniques. †¢ The first one gathers those which enable spacial broadening of the costs margin. Some of them suggest to broaden the cost analysis to the clients ( customer-driven ABC ) , others to the rivals ( benchmarking-driven ABC ) , to the environment ( environmental-driven ABC ) , or to the providers and spouses ( interorganizational cost direction and open-book accounting ) . This list of solutions is non comprehensive. †¢ The 2nd one brings together those which allow analysis of future costs ( Activity-Based Budgeting ( ABB ) , Antos and Brimson, 1999 ) and a temporal broadening of the costs perimeter. These solutions consist of uniting the ABC method to the life rhythm bing or to the mark costing ( Horvath et al. , 1998 ) . We can besides associate the mark bing to a specific version of ABC called characteristic costing ( Cokins, 2002 ) . The characteristic costing ( Brimson, 1998 ) introduces another degree of analysis in the ABC method which is the merchandises characteristics. Several research workers have identified the links between the ABC and the mark bing methods. Lebas ( 1999, pp. 506-507 ) explains that ABC implies taking into history the value that the clients attribute to the merchandises. This is a rule of the mark bing method and this has a strong impact on the house ‘s cost rational construction. †¢ With the 3rd one, we put together techniques which propose to find the relevant degrees to analyse the costs, depending on the characteristics ( strategic and organisational ) of a house. In some instances, the procedures and scheme complexnesss are tremendous. The ABC method is deficient, so we need another attack to apportion the resources. The Resource Consumption Accounting ( RCA ) method ( Keys and van der Merwe, 2002 ) finish the ABC with a deeper analysis of resources. In other state of affairss, the complexness of the procedure is low and the ABC method is excessively elaborate. So, we can convey together several activities to put up a ‘meta-activity ‘ or a procedure with a individual cost driver. This is the premise of the procedure costing ( Horngren et al. , 2005 ) and the tip accounting methods. We besides analyze the time-driven ABC ( Kaplan and Anderson, 2007 ) which is an ‘equivalence method ‘ . It is the most recent ABC development. It is clearly a simplification of the ABC. With this technique, the activity film editing can be more simple ( like with procedure costing and thin accounting ) . But it can besides be more refined ( like RCA ) . Then, we conduct a more accurate analysis of several of these applications.To heighten productiveness and efficiency in the concern procedureIn USA, the authorities bureaus every bit good as the private sectors have embraced ABC to assist place working countries that could be more productive or efficient. For illustration, the United States Coast Guard and the metropolis of Indianapolis analyzed the cost of operations ( Kline and James, Journal of Mangement Issues, 2003 ) . An Air Force Base used ABC informations to cut down costs associated with denudation and painting an aircraft ( American Industrial Hygiene Associatio n, 2003 ) . ABC was used to assist an electricity company to turn to how efficiently operational activities add to the concern procedure and the optimum mix of resources necessary to expeditiously execute these activities ( Management Accounting, 80, 5:30-31, 1998. Lawson, a package confer withing house implemented ABC to place, proctor, and pull off the costs, activities, and processes involved in developing a new income generated service adviser ( Dub, Susan, ABC at Lawson, 1998 ) . In Paper Mills, ABC was applied with benchmarking to acquire the production inputs and resources ( Fogelholm, John. , 2006 ) .To assist make budgets and set monetary valuesTeva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. implemented ABC to assist put transportation monetary values among its divisions ( Kaplan, Robert, Norton, Harvard Business School Press: Converting Intangible Assetss into Tangible Income, 2004 ) . It is reported from experimental grounds on the virtues of ABC for monetary value scene in a competi tory market that differ in their ability to supply enlightening feedback ( Cardinaels, Eddy, Roodhooft, Filip, Warlop, Luk, Decisions: Journal of Management Accounting Research, 16, 133-148, 2004 ) . ABC can besides be used as a capital budgeting tool. A Fortune 500 company used ABC to turn out the viability of a capital investing of constructing a cybermall ( Coburn, Steve, Grove, Hugh, Cook, Tom, 1997 ) .To place client costs and better client dealingssThe usage of ABC and Customer Relation Management ( CRM ) aid companies analyze their clients, costs, and profitableness and assist them aline with their strategic ends ( Anderson, Brad, 2004 ) . In a bank, ABC was applied to clear up the relationship between resources and merchandise or client costs ( McDonald, Robert, 2004 ) . An ABC enterprise helped Kimberly Clark alter its internal procedure and besides convert its clients to alter the methods of cargos ( Cokins, Gary, 2004 ) . With ABC informations, Mahany Welding Supply ident ified concern activities and cost drivers more accurately, assisting to better the bringing service ( Krupnicki, Michael, Tyson, Thomas, 1997 ) . A impermanent employment company used ABC to place the public presentation of client channels ( Searcy, DeWayne, 2004 ) .To do determinations on strategic issuesAt Carrier Corporation, ABC information was used to cipher the fiscal benefits of cut downing rhythm times, natural stuff, work-in-process stock lists, and storage infinite demands every bit good as to do determinations on operation outsourcing ( Kaplan, Robert, 1997 ) . ABC attempts at Reichhold, Inc. improved the company ‘s capacity direction, rhythm times, value-added pricing determinations, and analysis of a fabrication works ( Palmer, Richard, 1998 ) . For little fabrication companies, ABC showed that most of the costs calculated for big occupations were lower under the volume-base theoretical account than the ABC theoretical account. ABC besides discovered that profitab leness began to diminish at certain occupation sizes ( Needy, Kim, Nachtmann, 2003 ) . Website applied ABC to steer resource allotment and determination devising ( Zeller, Thomas, 2001 )To turn to external dialogue issuesABC informations helps companies better negotiate contracts with outside sellers. The Hospice of Cardinal Kentucky negotiated with insurance companies and put payment footings that are more advantageous for the infirmary ( Baxendale, Sidney, 2000 ) . The ABC information besides prompt direction to educate referral beginnings to convey patients to hospital before acute attention becomes necessary. GE Capital Commercial Services implemented ABC to forestall losingss ensuing from underbidding ( Byerly, Davis, 2003 ) . It seems most of the ABC applications start with placing the cost of production or service bringing and so continue with either bettering efficiency or altering the work flow or activities to do the concern procedure more effectual. In several cases, the ABC enterprises were farther extended to do strategic determinations turn toing the corporate degree issues such as concern alliance or competitory determination devising. It clearly shows that ABC has been applied to a broad scope of industry sectors and functional spheres.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Case 9: Horniman Horticulture Essay

1. Strengths: – Profitability Ratios: Constant growth from 2002-05, particularly year 2004 and 2005 with impressive growth in revenue with12.5% and 15.5% respectively, much higher than the benchmark just -1.8%. Gross, operating and net profit margin were all performing better than the benchmarks. – Management: Co-owner Bob Brown has been brought up to value a strong work ethic, which he has obtained through his father since at young age by working for his father at the mill. After finishing his study, he returned to the mill and excelled at his job (supervisor) and was highly respected. Bob was a â€Å"people person†, his warm personality made beloved by all customers and employees. Weaknesses: – Activity Ratios: takes increasingly time to receive payments from sales – 51 days year 2005 (far exceeded the benchmark – 22 days). Days of inventory on hand (476 days) has been increased gradually much higher than the benchmark (386 days). Payables turnover (10 days) is too short compared with the benchmark (27 days) and slowly declined as years pass by. – Liquidity problems seen through cash on hand kept decreasing since 2002 and sharply reduced in 2005 probably resulted from the issue that quick payables and slow receivables happened simultaneously every year. Since 2005, they had not reach their target balance of 8% cash over total revenue (fell to 0.9% – 2005) 2. Free cash flow to the owners of the firm (FCFE) for 2005: FCFE = Operating Cash Flow – Change in Net Working Capital – Change in Investments |Operating profit | |100.0 | | − Taxes | |39.2 | | + Depreciation | |40.9 | |Operating cash flow |101.7 | | − Capital expenditure | | (4.5) | | − Increase in NWC | |(156.3) | | Increase in CA |803.3 – 642.9 = 160.4 | | |- Increase in CL |47.3 – 43.2 = (4.1) | | |Free cash flow | |(59.10) | Cash cycle of the business for 2005: CCC = Days Inventory Outstanding (DIO) + Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) – Days Payables Outstanding (DPO) = 476 + 51 – 10 = 517 (days) Using cash: Even though HH had rapidly increased gross profit, operating profit and net profit since 2002, the firm’s cash balance had massively declined from $120,100 (2002) to $9,400 (2005). Increasing in inventory as extending property by 12-acres, with an expected capital expenditure of $75,000 in 2006, HH has also increased their product range by 40%. Therefore cash has been used a lot in this period. The firm’s credit terms have been improved as HH offers longer payment periods for customer (DSO of 51 days), firm’s payment of purchases within 10 days (DPO) to receive a 2% discount, this shows that HH is making payments five times faster than receiving them. DIO is also a concern that HH has a hand in, HH is choosing to focus on more maturing plants, therefore its inventory will naturally be longer than the benchmark, in fact, HH’s lowest end was still 10% over the benchmark. 3. The growth trend would be expected to be stronger in 2006. However the cash deficit is still a significant issue due to both capital expenditure and working capital would be further increased in order to maintain the business expansion. Therefore, they need to work out some financial leverage to solve this problem. |Projected Horniman Horticulture Financial Summary (in thousands of dollars) | | | | | | | | | | |2002 |2003 |2004 |2005 |2006E |20% | |Profit and loss statement | | | | | | | |Revenue |788.50 |807.60 |908.20 |1048.80 |1258.56 | | | Cost of goods sold |402.90 |428.80 |437.70 |503.40 |630.49 | | | |51.10% |53.10% |48.19% |48.00% |50.10% |Percentage of Sales | |Gross profit |385.60 |378.80 |470.50 |545.40 |628.07 | | |SG&A expense |301.20 |302.00 |356.00 |404.50 |482.53 | | | |38.20% |37.39% |39.20% |38.57% |38.34% |Percentage of Sales | |Depreciation |34.20 |38.40 |36.30 |40.90 |37.45 |Average over 4 years | | Operating profit |50.20 |38.40 |78.20 |100.00 |108.09 | | |Taxes |17.60 |13.10 |26.20 |39.20 |42.37 | | | |35.06% |34.11% |33.50% |39.20% |39.20% |Similar as year 2005 | | Net profit |32.60 |25.30 |52.00 |60.80 |65.72 | | | | | | | | | | |Balance sheet | | | | | | | |Cash |120.10 |105.20 |66.80 |9.40 |13.43 | | |Accounts receivable |90.60 |99.50 |119.50 |146.40 |160.24 | | | |11.49% |12.32% |13.16% |13.96% |12.73% |Percentage of Sales | |Inventory |468.30 |507.60 |523.40 |656.90 |763.03 | | | |59.39% |62.85% |57.63% |62.63% |60.63% |Percentage of Sales | |Other current assets |20.90 |19.30 |22.60 |20.90 |20.93 |Average over 4 years | | Current assets |699.90 |731.60 |732.30 |833.60 |957.62 | | |Net fixed assets |332.10 |332.50 |384.30 |347.90 |300.10 | | | Total assets |1032.00 |1064.10 |1116.60 |1181.50 |1257.72 | | | | | | | | | | |Accounts payable |6.00 |5.30 |4.50 |5.00 |5.20 |Average over 4 years | |Wages payable |19.70 |22.00 |22.10 |24.40 |31.41 | | | |2.50% |2.72% |2.43% |2.33% |2.50% |Percentage of Sales | |Other payables |10.20 |15.40 |16.60 |17.90 |21.19 | | | |1.29% |1.91% |1.83% |1.71% |1.68% |Percentage of Sales | | Current liabilities |35.90 |42.70 |43.20 |47.30 |57.80 | | | Net worth |996.10 |1021.40 |1073.40 |1134.20 |1199.92 | | | | | | | | | | |Capital expendit ure |22.00 |38.80 |88.10 |4.50 |75.00 | | |Purchases |140.80 |145.20 |161.20 |185.10 |224.13 | | | |17.86% |17.98% |17.75% |17.65% |17.81% |Percentage of Sales | 4. The company’s accounts-payable policy: Currently the firm’s DSO was 10 days (in order to receive a 2% discount), approx. 2.7 times as fast as the benchmark of 27 days. This policy is not suitable as their current credit terms offered to customer up to 51 days, which is double the benchmark. The firm’s net profit margin was 5.8% (the benchmark is just 2.8% – 2005), so HH does not need to continuously make payment to suppliers early (adversely, HH should take advantage of the offered credit terms allowing firm 30 days to payback for purchased goods), and also HH will also reduce the credit terms even though the sales probably drops, which would leave more cash available for firm as well as the cash cycle will be shorter so that the business will avoid the insufficient liquidity of the cash. If HH does not change the policy, in the long run, the shortage of cash may adversely influence the purchasing power and operating capacity of the business and further business’s profitability. 5. What can the company do to solve its cash problem? – Offers discount payment terms (i.e. 2% discount if payments are received within 10 days): enable HH to collect cash immediately. – Takes advantage of the offered credit terms (allow firm 30 days to payback the purchased goods): keeps more cash for operating activities in long-term period. – Slows down the expansion pace to decrease the capital expenditure. Starts selling product ranges that are not â€Å"instant landscape† plants (as these take a long time to mature and also can eliminate some risks for keeping the plants for longer periods of time – feature of this industry: rely heavily on weather that is unpredictable) – Raising funds: starts financing through debt, also can receive the tax shield benefit on interest payments. Transforms business from sole proprietorship into partnership in effort of not only increasing cash available for business but also receiving contributions of property, labor and skills form partners. 6. Calculate the sustainable growth of the company in 2005: |Sustainable growth = ROA x Leverage x Retention | | |5.36% | |ROA (Net profit / Total assets) | | | |5.15% | |Leverage (Total Assets/Net Worth) | | | |1.04 | |Retention (1- Dividend Payout ratio) | | | |1.00 | |Economic profit = (ROA – Cost of capital) x Total Assets | |-57.35 | |Cost of capital | | | |10.00% | |Total Assets | | | |1181.50 | |Net Worth | | | |1134.20 | The negative economic profit shows that the firm does not earn a sufficient return on capital. The firm is facing their dismissing level of cash and as a result, the negative cash level in the forthcoming years will be clearly observed. As shown above, the majority of the firm’s cash expenditure is held up in inventory (with cash cycle being 517 days compared with the benchmark of 381 days) and account receivables (due to the collection policy). The trade-off that company has to face is an increase in their credit terms. Even though this may reduce the sales volume, the company will probably avoid the risk involved with having a more mature product range.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Much ado and Carol Ann Duffy

Duffy present human weaknesses/ flaws in some of the characters they write about In Shakespearean play ‘Much Ado about Nothing', Don John is a very Important character. He is an illegitimate son, which automatically lowers him In the society of the Elizabethan age. He Is Isolated, Ignored and rejected by everyone In his life, which Is one of the reasons which seem to force him to behave as a villain.People expected this of him as they assumed that everyone born out of wedlock was probably an untrustworthy, luscious villain. Don John feels he must be a villain by acting in manipulative, sly and Jealous ways, which portrays his lack of psychological development and lack of relationships with people. The relationship we mainly learn about in the play is between Don John and his brother, Don Pedro. Due to Don John being the illegitimate son it means he cannot inherit anything from his family nor have the same recognition as his brother, who is of legitimate birth.Even though Don Pe dro doses't outwardly treat Don John cruelly, Don John Is very aware that he Is seen s socially Inferior to Don Pedro He Is a device used by Shakespeare to create tension and drama throughout the play. He Is not the most complex villain among Shakespearean villainous characters, however he has a purpose. The thinness of his character teaches us about the knowledge people have of him In society: he Is Just seen as a ‘bastard' and people don't even want to be associated with him so don't bother to learn anything about him.The fact that we don't learn much about Don John also reminds us that the play isn't meant to be a tragedy; it is supposed to teach us about the misunderstandings. It isn't really supposed to analyses evil at all. The question deals with Don John's character of being weak and flawed. Flawed means having or characterized by a fundamental weakness of imperfection whereas weakness means a disadvantage or fault. In Don John's first appearance, everyone is cele brating the return from war.They are all In high spirits and good moods, however when Don John enters the mood suddenly lowers and people begin to feel nervous and uncomfortable. In this appearance Don John acts respectful and genuine. He says ‘l am not a man of many words, but thank you. This shows that he Is poor at communicating in social situations; however he is trying to fit in. Shakespeare purposely made him different from the rest of Don Padre's men because his social status is much lower than the rest of them in that day and age. The others are respected Just from the point that they are legitimate children.This quote is the only time he speaks in this scene, which implies that he is quite mysterious and withdrawn from society and deep in thought. It also suggests that he lacks self- esteem due being treated as inferior. This quote could otherwise be interpreted as IM being sarcastic. He repeats thank you' which means he is not in fact thankful, but is the opposite as they have all treated him so badly. He uses an unfriendly, stiff tone to show how reserved he is and that he does not want to give any more Information than Is absolutely necessary.This highlights Shakespearean purpose for Don John which Is to use him as a dramatic device, and he causes drama and tension in his very first appearance in the play. In Act 2 scene 1 Beatrice says of Don John, after. ‘ This shows that Don John is not very good at making first impressions. This is cause he makes no effort to impress people as he knows that when they find out he is a bastard they will not want to be associated with him. ‘Tartly suggests sourly tastes, which relates to his outlook on life.He has a sour outlook on life due to the sour treatment that people respond to him with. Therefore he has learnt to be this way as he is treating others the way they treat him. In Act 4 scene 1 Don John says after the shaming of Hero, 'Sir they are spoken, and these things are true. &apos ; This seems quite ironic seeing as Don John is often being manipulative ND lying to people. He is trying to trick people into believing him about Hero out of spite. Right from the beginning of Act 1 scene 3, we get a sense of how unhappy Don John is.His 'sadness is without limit' suggests that he never stops feeling sad. He has never been given a reason to be happy so his default emotion is sadness. It also implies that sadness is not a big deal to him, also because it is all he has ever known, and he uses this anger and upset to hurt other people. This sadness may get some sympathy from the reader but he refuses to 'hear reason' as Comrade suggests. Comrade is stating that he thinks Don John is being irrational. 'Reasoning' is a human skill.By saying that Don John cannot reason he is suggesting that he is annalistic and non-human. This does fit in with his character as he is so much lower in society than everyone else. He is treated as an animal as hi s feelings are disregarded and he is isolated like a dog in a cage. Later on in Act 1 scene 3 we again learn how unhappy and disturbed Don John is. This is made clear when Comrade asks a question: 'Can you make no use of your discontent? POS; This shows that Don John's closest friends think he is being unreasonable and is not making sense.Also, although Comrade is close to Don John his lines are still short which indicates that he doses't want to say too much and he still takes special care not to make him angry. This makes us assume Don John is disturbed and unhappy because 'discontent' suggests you are on edge and are constantly not happy about something- in this case it is that he won't ever be accepted by the people around him. Also at the time he is talking with quite a lot of anger and despise in his tone. During his rant he says 'elf I had my mouth, I would bite. POS; This tells us that his words are controlled by his brother, Don Pedro, as he must say everything that will please him. If he was to be given his freedom he would use it in violent ways to cause mayhem and unhappiness amongst those who have treated him badly. Therefore we learn through act 1 scene 3 that he is very disturbed and unhappy due to the pain and suffering he has been caused. If he had it his way he would make everyone else's life a living hell and drag everyone down to the level he has in society. In contrast to his